“With pens like these, who needs enemas?”
Hi, Shed here. When the first batch of ‘Pleasure & Pen’ Gimp Pen Holders arrived from China, I showed them to a couple of friends of mine to get their sage opinions. One of my friends liked the holder so much that he took one home to show his Dad, who has a similar sense of humour to my friend. Shortly afterwards, the Dad went to a check up with his Proctologist and took the gimp pen holder to show his physician.
As soon as the Proctologist saw it, he ordered four on the spot for his colleagues. It seems that I may have accidentally created the perfect gift anyone working in the Colorectal Surgery field! It’s not the biggest market I don’t think, but it’s certainly untapped at the moment, and very niche – boom boom! If you know anyone in the field of Colorectal Surgery, please pass this post or website on to them… Thanks!